This Circular is issued to advisee all employees that the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Does not require newly-hired employees to verify their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and get a verification slip from the Revenue District Offices (RDOs).
All RDOs shall not accept request for manual TIN Verification or issue TIN Verification slip for employment purposes, except for the following cases:
- The online TIN Verification facility is not available or there is a prompt message that the user needs to visit the RDO; or
- There is a need for BIR personnel to further verify the correctness of taxpayer has an existing TIN or record; or
- Possession of multiple or identical TINs.
All employers are advised to use the BIR’s Online TIN Verification facility of the Online Registration and Update System (ORUS) accessible at or BIR Chatbot Revie, to verify the validity and correct ownership of the TIN of their newly-hired employees. The verification result being displayed by ORUS or Revie is considered sufficient for verification purposes. Employers do not have to require their newly hired employees to go to the RDO to get a TIN Verification slip.