On August 22, 2022, the BIR issued RMC No. 122-2022 prescribes the guidelines for updating of registration information record of taxpayers who will enroll in the Bureau’s Online Registration and Update System (ORUS).
What is ORUS?
According to the BIR, ORUS is a web-based system that taxpayers can use to register with the BIR and Update their taxpayer registration information Online, anytime with real-time access to their registration records.
All taxpayers who intend to transact online with the Bureau thru the ORUS, once available, and those who are currently transacting manually for their registration-related transactions, shall update their registration records, such as e-mail address and contact information using the S1905 Registration Update Sheet (RUS). The RUS is available at the Client Support Section (CSS) of the Revenue District Office (RDO) and the Bureau’s Official Website (www.bir.gov.ph) under the Advisory Section. The designated e-mail address should be the taxpayer’s official e-mail address.
This shall be used in serving BIR orders, notices, letters, and other processes/ communications to the taxpayers. Registered taxpayers shall update their Head Office registration first before updating their branches.
In the case of employees, employers shall inform their employees regarding this requirement. The RUS may be submitted via e-mail to the concerned RDO where the taxpayer is registered.