On May 30, 2022 BIR Issued the Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) NO. 76-2022, to suspends until further notice all field audit of the BIR pursuant to, and under authority of, all Task Forces, created thru Revenue Special Orders (RSOs), Operation Memoranda (OM), and other similar orders or directives, relative to examinations of taxpayers’ books of account and accounting records effective May 30, 2022. As such, no field audit, field operations or any form of business visitation in the execution of Letters of Authority/Audit Notices (LOAs) or Mission Orders (MOs) should be conducted by the said Task Forces.
All reports must be submitted on or before noon of June 15, 2022. A case-to-case review and evaluation of the necessity and progress of each Task Force created shall be conducted by the Office of the Commissioner before the Task Force is allowed to resume its audit functions and other field operation activities.